Do You Need a Therapist While Receiving Ketamine Infusions?


While Ketamine Infusions offer significant potential benefits, it's essential to recognize that ketamine alone may not address the underlying causes of mental health conditions. This is where Therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment process.


Ketamine Infusions have gained significant attention in recent years. They are a promising treatment for various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. However, as with any medical intervention, it’s essential to consider the holistic approach to mental well-being. One common question that arises is whether individuals receiving ketamine infusions should also engage in some type of talk therapy. In this blog post, we will explore the role of therapy in conjunction with ketamine infusions, its benefits, and why it may be a valuable addition to your treatment plan.

Understanding Ketamine Infusions

Before examining the need for therapy alongside ketamine infusions, it is important to understand what ketamine is and how it is used in mental health treatment.

Ketamine is an anesthetic medication that has been used in medical settings for decades. In recent years, it has shown promise as a rapid-acting antidepressant when administered in controlled, therapeutic doses. Ketamine infusions involve the intravenous administration of ketamine in a controlled medical setting. It will require multiple infusions to achieve optimal results.

The Benefits of Ketamine Infusions

Ketamine infusions have been found to offer several benefits for individuals struggling with treatment-resistant depression and other mental health conditions:

  1. Rapid Relief: Ketamine often provides relief from symptoms within hours to days, compared to traditional antidepressants that may take weeks to show an effect.
  2. Reduced Suicidal Ideation: Ketamine has been shown to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors, making it a life-saving option for some patients.
  3. Improved Mood: Many individuals report improved mood, reduced anxiety, and increased motivation after ketamine treatments.
  4. Long-lasting Effects: The effects of ketamine can last for several weeks or longer, providing sustained relief from symptoms.
  5. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Some patients experience improved cognitive function and clarity of thought.

The Role of Therapy Alongside Ketamine Infusions

While Ketamine Infusions offer significant potential benefits, it’s essential to recognize that ketamine alone may not address the underlying causes of mental health conditions. This is where Therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment process.

  1. Addressing Root Causes: Therapy allows individuals to explore and address the underlying emotional and psychological factors contributing to their mental health challenges. It provides a safe space to work through trauma, unresolved issues, and unhealthy thought patterns.
  2. Building Coping Skills: Therapy equips individuals with valuable coping strategies and tools to manage their symptoms effectively. These skills can be especially helpful during and after the ketamine infusion period.
  3. Maintaining Progress: The benefits of ketamine are generally not permanent but will slowly fade over time. Most individuals will require ongoing treatment. Therapy can help individuals maintain and build upon the progress they’ve made through ketamine infusions.
  4. Personalized Treatment: Therapy is highly individualized, allowing for tailored strategies to meet the specific needs and goals of each person.
  5. Emotional Support: Going through mental health challenges can be emotionally taxing. Therapy provides emotional support and guidance, reducing feelings of isolation and despair.

The Combination of Ketamine and Therapy

Many mental health professionals recommend a combination of ketamine infusions and therapy for comprehensive treatment. This approach is often referred to as “integrated care” or integration. It can offer the best chance of long-term success in managing mental health conditions.

Here’s how the combination of ketamine and therapy can work together:

  1. Ketamine Infusions: Ketamine infusions provide rapid relief, alleviating acute symptoms and creating a more stable emotional state.
  2. Therapy Sessions:  Therapy sessions help individuals process the experiences and insights gained from the ketamine treatments, explore the root causes of their mental health challenges, learn coping strategies, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.
  3. Maintenance and Follow-up: After the initial treatment phase, individuals may continue therapy while spacing out ketamine infusions as needed to maintain their progress.
  4. Holistic Approach: Combining ketamine and therapy offers a holistic approach to mental health care, addressing both immediate relief and long-term well-being.

While we generally recommend the combination of therapy with ketamine infusions, it is not a requirement. Many of our clients prefer not to engage in concurrent talk therapy. Although, the majority still receive significant benefits from ketamine treatment. We have found that many of our clients seem to have already developed adequate coping mechanisms and self-knowledge after years of struggling to overcome chronic depression or anxiety. Most have tried therapy at some point in the past and presumably developed some capability to navigate through difficult times. Others may have found talk therapy did not suit them for any number of reasons. The bottom line is that therapy may be a useful addition to ketamine infusions.

Clinics Promoting Use of Ketamine Infusion and Therapy

There are clinics that promote the combination of ketamine infusions with a therapist in the room during the actual infusion. This is sometimes referred to as ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. For some clients this is very beneficial. After years of providing ketamine infusions, we have found that although this is a viable option for some, it is not likely to be the best approach for most. A few of the reasons for this are:

  1. For clients that already have an outside therapist, the therapist in the ketamine clinic would be a stranger that has not established trust and is unfamiliar with the client’s history.
  2. When ketamine is properly dosed, it is typically difficult to engage in any sort of complex conversation during an actual infusion. This is sometimes referred to as aphasia or anomia (difficulty finding the right word).
  3. Adding a therapist to the treatment increases the cost which is already a deterrent for many clients that might otherwise benefit from the treatment.
  4. Some clients simply do not prefer to engage in talk therapy.

We are not at all suggesting that ketamine assisted psychotherapy isn’t a valid approach. But rather when designing a protocol that will benefit the most people, it is better to separate the two treatments so that individuals can choose the plan that suits them best.

Considerations When Combining Ketamine and Therapy

It is also critical to note that the benefits of ketamine infusions are not limited to the relatively short time that the ketamine produces an altered state in the clinic setting. Although the direct altered state can be an important part of the treatment, the longer lasting effects are not because the ketamine stays in the body but due to the impact that the ketamine had during the short time it was circulating in the body. The ketamine is metabolized relatively quickly but the secondary effects are lasting. This allows for other interventions such as talk therapy to occur on days when infusions don’t take place. Integration is an important piece of the picture when engaging in ketamine treatments, but it need not be limited to the time of the actual infusions.


Ketamine infusions hold great promise as a treatment option for various mental health conditions. They are most effective when integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan that may include therapy. Therapy can address the root causes of mental health challenges. It can also equip individuals with the skills and support they need for long-term recovery. By combining the immediate relief of ketamine with the insights and support of therapy, individuals can find a more profound understanding of themselves and develop coping mechanisms to navigate life’s challenges.

If you are considering ketamine infusions as part of your mental health treatment, consult with a professional. This professional assess your specific needs and recommend the most suitable treatment plan. This plan may include therapy alongside ketamine infusions (CONTACT OUR OFFICE). Remember that mental health is a complex and individual journey. Seeking comprehensive care can lead to improved well-being and a brighter future.

NW Ketamine Infusion

January 24, 2024

Disclaimer: This blog does not constitute medical advice but rather a synthesis of published reports and accumulation of personal experience in treating patients using ketamine. The information in this post should not be used to guide medical decisions.