Understanding Set and Setting During a Ketamine Infusion


Ketamine, a medication primarily known for its use in anesthesia, is receiving significant attention for its potential in treating various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Set and Setting for Ketamine Infusion


Ketamine is a medication primarily known for its use in anesthesia. It is receiving significant attention for its potential in treating various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. However, its effectiveness is not solely dependent on the chemical properties of the drug. Two critical factors, “set” and “setting,” can play a vital role in the overall experience and outcome of a ketamine infusion. This blog post lays out what “set” and “setting” mean in the context of ketamine infusion therapy.

What is Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

Before exploring set and setting, it’s important to understand what ketamine infusion therapy is. Ketamine infusion therapy involves administering a controlled dose of ketamine, usually intravenously, under medical supervision. It’s a breakthrough treatment for various mental health disorders, offering rapid relief from symptoms for many patients.

The Concept of Set and Setting

“Set” and “setting” are terms originally coined in the context of psychedelic therapy, But, they apply equally to ketamine infusion therapy. Let’s break down these concepts:

Set: The Internal Mindset

“Set” refers to the internal mindset or psychological state of an individual undergoing the therapy. This includes factors like:

  1. Expectations – What you believe or expect to happen during the infusion can significantly influence your experience.
  2. Mood – Your current emotional state can shape the nature of the ketamine experience.
  3. Mental Health Status – The presence of mental health conditions, your history, and current symptoms can impact how you respond to ketamine.
  4. Personality Traits – Certain aspects of your personality may affect your openness and responsiveness to the treatment.
  5. Intentions – Setting clear intentions or goals for what you hope to achieve from the therapy. This can guide the experience in a positive direction.

Setting: The External Environment

“Setting” refers to the physical and social environment in which the ketamine infusion takes place. Key elements include:

  1. Physical Surroundings – The comfort and aesthetics of the room, lighting, and noise levels all contribute to the setting.
  2. Music – Most clients prefer to listen to relaxing music of their choice or some type of guided meditation. This seems to be very beneficial to feeling more connected to the experience of the infusion.
  3. Presence of Others – Whether you prefer to be alone or have a friend or family member in the room can affect your experience. The amount of interaction with others in the room can also greatly impact your experience.
  4. Safety and Security – Feeling safe and in a controlled environment is crucial for a positive experience. This can be a challenge especially during the first infusion but typically becomes easier in subsequent experiences.
  5. Medical Supervision – The expertise and approach of the medical professionals overseeing the infusion impact the outcome.

Why Set and Setting Matter in Ketamine Infusion Therapy

The importance of set and setting in ketamine infusion therapy cannot be overstated. Here’s why:

  1. Enhancing Therapeutic Outcomes – A positive set and a comfortable setting can maximize the therapeutic benefits of ketamine. This can lead to better outcomes in treating mental health conditions.
  2. Reducing Anxiety – A familiar and comfortable setting can help reduce anxiety and apprehension about the treatment, especially for first-time patients.
  3. Facilitating a Positive Experience – The right mindset and environment can transform the ketamine experience from a clinical procedure to a transformative journey.
  4. Safety and Comfort – A secure setting ensures the physical safety of the patient. While a supportive set can provide emotional and psychological comfort.
  5. Improving Response to Treatment – Patients with a positive set and setting are more likely to respond favorably to the treatment. This can potentially reduce the need for higher doses or more frequent sessions.

How to Optimize Set and Setting for Ketamine Infusion

Here are some tips for optimizing set and setting for a ketamine infusion:

  1. Prepare Mentally – Engage in relaxation techniques, meditation, or counseling to get into a positive mindset before the infusion. However, don’t put undue pressure on yourself to only be feeling positive. The goal is to start the infusion in a good place mentally but if you could control what you feel you wouldn’t need to seek treatment. Most clients have anxiety before the first infusion because it is an unknown experience. It generally gets easier and more comfortable each time.
  2. Set Clear Intentions – Define what you hope to achieve from the treatment, whether it’s symptom relief, insight, emotional healing or anything else you might have your sights set on.
  3. Choose the Right Environment – Ensure the treatment setting is comfortable, quiet, and free from distractions. If you plan to listen to music, be sure it will reliably play for the duration of the infusion.
  4. Trust the Medical Team – Building rapport with the medical professionals administering the treatment can enhance your sense of security and comfort.
  5. Aftercare Planning – Having a plan for after the infusion, including someone to talk to about the experience or journaling, can help integrate any insights or emotional shifts that occur.


While ketamine itself is a powerful tool for treating mental health conditions, the success of ketamine infusion therapy also depends on the set and setting. Therefore, by understanding and optimizing these aspects, patients can significantly enhance their experience and outcomes. As this therapy continues to evolve, the emphasis on set and setting reaffirms the holistic nature of mental health treatment. The mind, body, and environment are all integral to healing.

Remember, ketamine infusion therapy should only be conducted under professional medical supervision, and it’s important to consult with healthcare providers to determine if it’s the right course of treatment for you.

NW Ketamine Infusion

February 3, 2024

Disclaimer: This blog does not constitute medical advice but rather a synthesis of published reports and accumulation of personal experience in treating patients using ketamine. The information in this post should not be used to guide medical decisions.