Ketamine Treatment for Teenage Depression and Anxiety


The prevalence of depression and anxiety among teenagers is higher than ever before. What is contributing to this and can ketamine help?

Teenagers today face a host of challenges that previous generations never had to grapple with. The rise of social media, accelerated academic pressure, and the constant bombardment of information has created a perfect storm for mental health issues, particularly depression and anxiety, to flourish. In this blog, we will explore the alarming increase in depression and anxiety among teenagers and the potential of ketamine as a groundbreaking treatment option.

The Teenage Mental Health Crisis

Depression and anxiety are no strangers to the teenage population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is one of the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents worldwide. In the United States alone, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports that approximately 16% of teenagers aged 12 to 17 experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2020. Anxiety disorders are equally prevalent, affecting approximately 31.9% of American adolescents. Several factors contribute to the rising rates of teenage depression and anxiety:

  • Social Media: The omnipresence of social media platforms has led to increased peer pressure, unrealistic beauty standards, and cyberbullying, all of which can contribute to depressive and anxious feelings.
  • Academic Pressure: Teens are under more academic pressure than ever before. The relentless pursuit of academic success imposes a disproportionate amount of stress and often comes at the cost of their mental well-being.
  • Isolation: The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated feelings of isolation among teenagers, with lockdowns and remote learning limiting their social interactions.
  • Information Overload: The constant exposure to distressing news and information can cause a sense of helplessness and despair among teenagers. This issue is often negatively leveraged by social media algorithms designed to provoke and exacerbate this issue even further.
  • Stigma: Despite the growing awareness of mental health issues, the stigma surrounding them persists, making it difficult for many teenagers to seek help. For most teens it is also difficult to even recognize a serious mental health issue as they are still developing a sense of self and learning lifelong coping mechanisms.

Ketamine: A New Hope for Teenagers

Traditionally, treating depression and anxiety in teenagers has involved therapy and medication like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). However, these treatments are often ineffective, and they can come with many unwanted side effects. Most antidepressants take several weeks or even months to determine if they are effective and may require additional medications to treat undesirable side effects. Medications to reduce anxiety, particularly benzodiazepines are prone to abuse and misuse. Developing dependence or addiction can make a bad situation much, much worse and completely derail a young person’s life. This is where ketamine comes into the picture.

Ketamine, originally developed as an anesthetic, has gained recognition in recent years as a rapid-acting antidepressant. It works differently from traditional antidepressants, which typically target serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Ketamine, on the other hand, targets the glutamate system, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation. This unique mechanism of action has shown remarkable promise in treating depression and anxiety. Ketamine treatment should be administered under strict medical supervision. The effects are often felt within hours, providing much-needed relief to individuals in acute emotional distress.

The Benefits of Ketamine Treatment

  • Rapid Relief: One of the most significant advantages of ketamine treatment is its speed. Traditional antidepressants can take weeks or even months to produce noticeable effects, whereas ketamine often works within hours.
  • Reduction in Suicidal Ideation: Ketamine has demonstrated the ability to rapidly reduce suicidal thoughts, making it a life-saving option for those at risk. To be clear, this is seen as a temporary solution while other means of treatment such as therapy, support groups, or other medications are implemented.
  • Tolerance Resistance: Some patients become resistant to traditional antidepressants over time. Ketamine, however, appears to maintain its efficacy even in individuals who have not responded to other treatments.
  • Low Dependency: When administered under controlled medical settings, ketamine has shown a low risk of developing addiction or dependency. In the context of an infusion clinic, ketamine is initially administered at most three times per week but as treatment progresses the infusions are spaced out from weeks to months apart. This intermittent use also protects against the formation of dependency.
  • Minimal Side Effects: While all medications come with potential side effects, ketamine’s side effects are typically mild and limited to the time that the ketamine is actually being infused or administered.
  • Enhanced Therapy: Ketamine can enhance the effectiveness of psychotherapy, allowing teenagers to engage more fully in therapeutic processes.

Considerations and Caveats

While ketamine holds immense promise, it is not without limitations. Perhaps the biggest hurdle is cost. Ketamine treatment can be costly, and insurance coverage is unreliable at best. This limits its accessibility to many teenagers who may benefit from it. The long-term effects of ketamine treatment are still under investigation. Researchers are working to understand the optimal dosing and frequency to maintain its benefits. Ketamine is not a cure for any mental health disorder. It is a treatment process that is intended to aid in helping the client to work towards a better and healthier lifestyle. Ketamine therapy should be one component of a comprehensive treatment plan.


The increase in depression and anxiety among teenagers is a pressing public health concern that demands innovative solutions. Ketamine, with its rapid relief and unique mechanism of action, stands out in an otherwise challenging landscape of mental health treatment. However, it’s essential to approach ketamine treatment being fully informed. Further research is needed to fully understand its long-term effects and to establish standardized protocols.

In the face of the teenage mental health crisis, ketamine stands as a symbol of progress. It offers teenagers and their families a new avenue of hope and healing. At NW Ketamine Infusion we believe ketamine is an excellent treatment option for some teenagers. That said, it is not right for everyone. We do require that a parent or legal guardian be involved in the treatment process. It is also important to note that ketamine is not a first-line treatment. The individual receiving ketamine therapy must have tried other treatments such as medications and therapy prior to receiving care at our clinic. 

NW Ketamine Infusion

August 29, 2023

Disclaimer: This blog does not constitute medical advice but rather a synthesis of published reports and accumulation of personal experience in treating patients using ketamine. The information in this post should not be used to guide medical decisions.