How to Support a Loved One Through Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Ketamine infusions have emerged as a promising treatment for various health conditions, including depression, chronic pain, and PTSD, offering hope to those who haven’t found relief through traditional treatments. If your loved one is embarking on this journey, becoming a supportive companion can make a significant difference in their treatment experience and overall well-being. This comprehensive guide outlines how to be an effective support person throughout the process of ketamine infusion therapy.

Understanding Ketamine Infusion Therapy

First and foremost, educate yourself about ketamine infusion therapy. Ketamine is a powerful anesthetic that, in controlled, lower doses, has been found to provide rapid relief from symptoms of depression and chronic pain. The treatment involves administering ketamine intravenously under medical supervision. Familiarize yourself with the procedure, potential side effects, and the expected course of treatment to better support your loved one. NW Ketamine Infusion will provide answers to these questions or others that you might have.

Emotional Support: Being There for Your Loved One

Listen Without Judgement

Your loved one may have complex feelings about undergoing ketamine therapy. They may feel hopeful, anxious, or skeptical. Listen to their concerns and feelings without judgment. Validating their emotions without necessarily trying to fix anything can be incredibly comforting.

Encourage Open Communication

Encourage your loved one to communicate openly with both you and their healthcare provider. Open lines of communication can help address concerns before and during treatment, ensuring any issues are promptly managed.

Your perspective can be invaluable during this process as well. We have found that those close to the person receiving treatment are often the first to notice changes. Your feedback can help clarify and reinforce initial benefits which can be subtle. Over time this will allow the person receiving treatment to gain confidence in the process and further integrate the positive changes into a healthy new lifestyle.

Maintain Optimism, But Set Realistic Expectations

Maintain a positive outlook on the potential outcomes of the therapy while helping your loved one set realistic expectations. Success varies from person to person, and it’s important to understand that improvements may be gradual.

Practical Support: Assisting with Logistics

Transportation and Scheduling

Ketamine infusions require the patient to have a responsible adult to take them home after the session, as the effects of the medication can impair their ability to drive. Offer to assist with transportation and, if needed, help manage their schedule to accommodate treatment sessions. At NW Ketamine Infusion we encourage the support person to remain in the infusion room during the treatments. Your presence should be supportive and never disruptive. This is a critical time for your loved one and you are there to help provide comfort and familiarity in this new experience.

Creating a Comfortable Environment

After each session, your loved one may feel tired or disoriented. Creating a comfortable, quiet, and safe environment at home can help them recover more comfortably. Have their favorite comforts easily accessible, whether that’s a soft blanket, soothing music, or a preferred snack.

Remember that there will still be both good and bad days along the way. Ketamine therapy is about getting to a more centered place where the highs and lows are in proportion with life’s circumstances. It is not about feeling good all the time or just blunting out negative symptoms. The person receiving ketamine will still have the full spectrum of human emotions.

For some people, beginning ketamine therapy can be a smooth transition from a negative baseline to a much more functional and better-quality lifestyle. But for many others, it is like rocking the boat initially. Emotions can be more variable as the individual learns to process the changes and insights that ketamine therapy can bring. Change can be scary at first even when it represents movement in a positive direction.

Educate Yourself on Side Effects

Familiarize yourself with the common side effects of ketamine infusions, such as nausea, dizziness, or disorientation, so you can effectively support your loved one through any discomfort. Knowing when these side effects are normal or when it’s necessary to contact a healthcare provider is crucial.

Encourage Adherence to Follow-Up Care

Support your loved one in adhering to any recommended follow-up care or appointments. Encourage them to share their experience with their healthcare provider to optimize their treatment plan.

Provide Stability and Routine

A stable routine can provide comfort and predictability amidst the emotional and physical fluctuations that may come with ketamine therapy. Help maintain a semblance of normalcy in your loved one’s daily life, whether through shared meals, light exercise, or engaging in favorite hobbies together.

Recognize the Importance of Self-Care

Supporting someone through ketamine infusion therapy can be emotionally taxing. Recognize the importance of your own well-being and practice self-care. This may involve setting aside time for relaxation, pursuing your own interests, or seeking support from a community of others in similar situations. Remember that you can’t be of service to others if you are emotionally drained.

Stay Informed and Flexible

Ketamine infusion therapy is a rapidly evolving field. Stay informed about the latest research and developments to better understand your loved one’s experience and the therapy’s potential. Be prepared for adjustments in treatment plans and remain flexible and supportive through changes.


Being a support person for a loved one receiving ketamine infusions requires empathy, patience, and a willingness to learn. By offering both emotional and practical support, you can help your loved one navigate their treatment journey more comfortably and confidently. Remember, your support can make a substantial difference in their healing process, reinforcing the importance of compassion, understanding, and encouragement every step of the way.

By taking the time to understand ketamine infusion therapy and how to effectively support your loved one, you’re providing an invaluable resource that complements their treatment. Your role is crucial in helping them face their health challenges with hope and resilience, ultimately contributing to a potentially more positive outcome.

NW Ketamine Infusion

July 1, 2024

Disclaimer: This blog does not constitute medical advice but rather a synthesis of published reports and accumulation of personal experience in treating patients using ketamine. The information in this post should not be used to guide medical decisions.