Why Receiving Ketamine through an IV is the Preferred Method


The use of ketamine as a therapeutic tool has opened up promising possibilities for mental health treatment. Among the various administration methods, IV ketamine stands out as the safest, most effective and efficient means of delivering this transformative medication.

Ketamine Through IV

There are many options for how ketamine can be administered. Why is receiving ketamine through an IV the best method?


Ketamine, originally developed as an anesthetic, has gained significant attention in recent years for its remarkable potential in treating a range of mental health conditions, particularly depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is also gaining acceptance as an excellent option for certain chronic pain conditions that are considered neuropathic or nerve-related pain. However, the method of administration plays a crucial role in determining the effectiveness and safety of ketamine treatment. While various routes of administration exist, receiving ketamine through an intravenous (IV) infusion stands out as the most effective and preferred method. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of IV ketamine administration and why it is increasingly becoming the gold standard for providing ketamine treatments.

Rapid Onset of Action

One of the key advantages of administering ketamine through an IV is the rapid onset of action. Intravenous infusion allows the medication to bypass the digestive system and directly enter the bloodstream. This leads to a nearly immediate response. Patients often report feeling the effects of ketamine in less than a minute. This provides relief from depressive symptoms or acute distress far quicker than other administration routes. This sharp increase in blood levels facilitates a dissociative response more efficiently and reliably than with other methods. Many patients report feeling only mild dissociative feelings with lozenges and nasal sprays. This dissociative effect is often linked to how ketamine initially works to disrupt negative thought processes. And how it begins the formation of new, and healthier pathways. This swift response is particularly crucial for individuals experiencing severe depression or suicidal thoughts. It can prevent potentially life-threatening situations.

Precise Dosage Control

IV ketamine administration also offers precise dosage control, which is critical in optimizing therapeutic outcomes. Intramuscular injections and nasal sprays are generally administered on one or two shots close together and there is no way to make any adjustments after that. With IV infusions healthcare professionals can carefully monitor and adjust the infusion rate. This ensures patients receive the ideal dosage suited to their unique needs. In the event of an emergency the infusion could be stopped without providing the entire dose. This personalized approach minimizes the risk of adverse effects and enhances the therapeutic benefits of ketamine treatment. Using an IV, it is also possible to provide rapid-acting medications to treat unwanted side effects such as nausea or changes in blood pressure.

Higher Bioavailability

Bioavailability is essentially the amount of medication that reaches with bloodstream. The bloodstream is where it needs to go in order to work. Compared to oral, nasal or intramuscular administration, IV ketamine boasts higher bioavailability. In fact, IV administration is the only method with 100% bioavailability. The entire dose reaches the bloodstream, ensuring that patients receive the maximum benefit of the medication. In contrast, other routes may suffer from decreased and highly variable absorption rates, leading to reduced effectiveness and a potentially prolonged onset of action. Ketamine therapy is one of the most successful options for difficult to treat conditions, but it doesn’t work for everyone. If you receive appropriately dosed ketamine through an IV and do not get the benefit you are seeking, you can rest assured that you used the best method and won’t be left wondering if a different approach would have worked better.

Longer Duration of Effect

Another significant advantage of IV ketamine is its longer duration of effect. When administered intravenously, ketamine’s therapeutic benefits can last for several days, providing more sustained relief from depressive symptoms and mood disturbances. This prolonged effect reduces the frequency of treatment sessions and enhances the overall cost-effectiveness of ketamine therapy.

Enhanced Safety and Monitoring

IV ketamine administration occurs in a controlled medical setting under the supervision of trained healthcare professionals. This level of monitoring ensures patient safety throughout the infusion process, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions and complications. Medical staff can promptly address any adverse effects, should they arise, and provide immediate support to patients during and after the infusion. The use of lozenges and sprays has contributed to the use of ketamine in uncontrolled settings. Unfortunately this leads to misuse or abuse. For some, the altered state of mind that ketamine provides is a temptation when feeling worn down with unwanted mental or physical pain. It can be very difficult not to reach for the temporary relief of an altered state of mind which is not the purpose of using ketamine for mood disorders or chronic pain. The secondary effects that ketamine has on forming new neural connections or helping to repair damaged nerves is the goal. Chronic pain conditions in particular require high doses of ketamine. In most cases and this should always be administered in a monitored setting with all necessary equipment and supplies.

Effective for Treatment-Resistant Cases

Ketamine has shown remarkable efficacy in treating treatment-resistant depression and other mental health disorders. For patients who have not responded well to conventional treatments, IV ketamine therapy offers a new ray of hope. Its fast-acting nature and powerful effects make it an excellent option for those who have exhausted other avenues for relief.


The use of ketamine as a therapeutic tool has opened up promising possibilities for mental health treatment. Among the various administration methods, IV ketamine stands out as the safest, most effective and efficient means of delivering this transformative medication. Its rapid onset, precise dosage control, higher bioavailability, longer duration of effect, enhanced safety, and effectiveness in treatment-resistant cases make it the preferred choice for both patients and healthcare practitioners. However, it is crucial to remember that ketamine therapy, like any medical treatment, requires careful consideration, consultation, and professional guidance to ensure its appropriate use and maximize its potential benefits.  

NW Ketamine Infusion

July 9, 2023

Disclaimer: This blog does not constitute medical advice but rather a synthesis of published reports and accumulation of personal experience in treating patients using ketamine. The information in this post should not be used to guide medical decisions.