Understanding Integration During Ketamine Therapy


Ketamine therapy offers a unique and powerful opportunity for healing and personal growth. However, the transformative potential of this treatment lies not only in the ketamine sessions themselves but also in the essential process of integration.

Ketamine Therapy Integration

Ketamine therapy can be life changing but the infusions are just the beginning. Are you prepared to do the work to get the most out of it?

Ketamine therapy has been gaining significant attention in recent years as a promising treatment for various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, as well as certain chronic pain conditions. Unlike traditional therapies, ketamine therapy works by targeting the brain’s NMDA receptors, promoting neural connections, and potentially fostering profound transformative experiences. However, the true healing potential of ketamine therapy lies not just in the sessions themselves, but also in the crucial process of integration before and after each session.

What is Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that has been used for decades in medical settings. However, in the context of mental health treatment, it is administered at lower doses by healthcare professionals in a carefully controlled environment. During the session, patients may experience a variety of sensations, emotions, and insights. These experiences are often described as deeply introspective, transformative, and sometimes spiritual. The therapeutic effects of ketamine have been observed to alleviate the symptoms of treatment-resistant depression, anxiety disorders, and other psychological conditions. The exact mechanism or action is not completely understood but it is clear that receiving the medication is only one part of a bigger picture.

The Importance of Ketamine Therapy Integration

Integration refers to the process of making sense of and incorporating the experiences and insights gained during ketamine therapy into one’s daily life. While the ketamine session itself can be a catalyst for change, true healing occurs during the integration phase, which is an ongoing and active process. If you are considering ketamine treatment, it is extremely important to consider that it is not a magic cure that just wipes away all your problems so that you feel good all the time. You need to be prepared to do your part to make the treatment a success. This means actively engaging in other areas of your life. Without proper integration, the potential benefits of ketamine therapy may not be fully realized, and patients may struggle to maintain lasting positive changes.

Tips for Effective Integration

Preparation & Intention:

If you don’t know where you want to go, you probably won’t get there. Think about what success looks like for you in the context of treatment. What are the most troublesome aspects of your condition and what would you like to replace them with? This is a process of building towards a new and healthier lifestyle. Do your best to envision what that looks like for you. Be as specific as possible and write down your goals for treatment. Your goals should be as specific as possible. If ketamine opens the door to a better life, what actions will you take to walk through that door?


Keeping a journal to record thoughts, emotions, and insights during and after ketamine sessions can be immensely beneficial. Writing helps to solidify experiences, clarify thoughts, and identify patterns or recurring themes.


Some patients have a trusted friend or family member that is closely involved in the treatment process. We actually encourage this person to remain in the room with you during your infusions, but this is your choice. This person can be an excellent sounding board for discussing or debriefing your experience after each infusion. They may remind you of something you said during the infusion or even take notes for you to help solidify any insights you shared.

Mindfulness and Meditation:

Engaging in mindfulness practices can help you stay connected to your emotions and thoughts, fostering self-awareness and acceptance. Meditation can also be a tool for exploring deeper aspects of the self and finding inner peace. If you don’t already engage in meditation it is one of the best options for a new healthy habit to incorporate into your life moving forward.

Professional Support:

Regularly meeting with a therapist or counselor can provide essential guidance and support during the integration process. A skilled professional can help patients process their experiences, work through challenges, and set realistic goals for personal growth.

Support Groups:

Joining support groups with individuals who have undergone ketamine therapy can create a sense of community and shared understanding. These groups offer a safe space to discuss experiences, exchange coping strategies, and receive encouragement.

Lifestyle Changes:

Identifying areas in life that may be contributing to mental health struggles and making positive lifestyle changes can enhance the overall effectiveness of ketamine therapy. This may involve adopting healthier habits related to diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. A few examples of new or revived habits our clients have reported include:

Journaling, storytelling or writing poems

Scheduling time to connect with a loved one

Drawing, painting or other forms of art

Playing, composing or listening to music

Spending time in nature


Religious practices

Yoga or other forms of exercise

Volunteer activities

Adopting a pet


Ketamine therapy offers a unique and powerful opportunity for healing and personal growth. However, the transformative potential of this treatment lies not only in the ketamine sessions themselves but also in the essential process of integration. This is an active process that requires work. This is your journey and only you will know what brings you the most joy or comfort. By actively engaging in the integration phase, patients can make the most of their therapeutic experiences and pave the way for lasting positive changes in their mental and emotional well-being. The clinic frequently uses the friendly slogan of ‘Earn your reward’. You need to be prepared to do the work in order to get the benefits. With proper support, guidance, and self-reflection, ketamine therapy can be a catalyst for profound healing and self-discovery.  

NW Ketamine Infusion

July 9, 2023

Disclaimer: This blog does not constitute medical advice but rather a synthesis of published reports and accumulation of personal experience in treating patients using ketamine. The information in this post should not be used to guide medical decisions.